
Scores of Indians are making their way to the United States and the one who is downright new for countries outside India would ten to one have a tough time socializing with the local inhabitants.

Indian accent differs from American accent that ever so often result in babbling for natives.

How American Accent Is Different from Indian

1.The American accent has clear rules for syllable stress that most Indians don’t follow.

2.People from India don’t use the correct American sounds for the letter A.

3.Many Indian languages don’t have the /ʒ/ sound found in the words pleasure, measure or occasion.

4.The intonation that Indians use and the intonation that Americans use is often different.

Getting an American accent and speaking English in a way that Americans understand is important for different groups of people.

Here are innovative tips to get an American accent:

Practice from Natives

Practising English continuously with American speakers is the sole way to learn an American accent.

Most English teachers waste student’s time by teaching boring grammar lessons when they should really be having more real conversations with students. More conversations mean more opportunities for the student to fine-tune their accent.

Speak Slower Than Usual

Most Indian regional languages are usually spoken at a faster rate than English. If you speak English at the same speed you speak these languages, it becomes extremely hard for native speakers to understand.

So slow down your English speaking just a little bit. Give your self a little more time between words.

Listen to American Accents

If you listen to a lot of American Accents, your brain will become more used to the tempo and rhythm. One cool way to do this is to listen to audiobooks while you drive. This would be a very productive way to use the time that you will otherwise be wasted on the road.

Maximize the time you spend listening to American Accents.

Record Yourself Speaking English

Record your voice speaking English naturally. Then compare how you speak with American English speakers. Compare things like the rhythm, the tempo, how you pause between sentences, where you stress sounds etc.

If you want to change your accent to an American accent, you have to practice that on purpose. It is not impossible but a lot of repetition is needed.