Indian American dentist

Surya Dhakar, an Indian American dentist is running as a Republican for Virginia’s House of Delegates’ 56th District seat, that is held by Republican Delegate Peter Farrell, who is not seeking re-election.

Dhakar has worked out in a crowded primary, which will be held on June 13. The general election will take place on November 7.

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Dhakar is competing against four fellow Republicans: John McGuire, Graven Craig, George Goodwin and Matt C. Pinsker, apart from two Democratic candidates: Melissa M. Dart and Lizzie Drucker-Basch.

One thing that is going for Dhakar is that he has,within a short period of time has raised more money than both the Democratic candidates combined.

Blue Virginia has reported that Melissa Dart had raised $5,400, had $5,295 cash on hand (CoH); Lizzie Drucker-Basch raised $15,740, had $10,407 CoH; while Dhakar raised $58,173, had $57,804 CoH.

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According to Ballotpedia, Dhakar was an unsuccessful candidate for the Three Chopt District seat on the Henrico County School Board in Virginia. The seat had general election on November 4, 2014.

Dhakar is a resident of Henrico County, Virginia. He got his Ph.D. in oceanography from the Old Dominion University and his D.D.S. is from the Virginia Commonwealth University. He have a dental practice in the Glen Allen area.

Dhakar has served as the president of the India Association of Virginia twice.

By Premji