Indian American Shalini Gupta

Shalini Gupta, an Indian American woman from Georgia, has alleged in a widely circulated social media post on WhatsApp that she was treated unfairly by the police, arrested, handcuffed painfully and thrown into jail for possessing an expired driver’s license. Gupta confirmed that everything she has written about her predicament is true and the police department has filed wrong charges against her.

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A report of Gupta’s arrest record done by the John Creek, Georgia, police department states that Gupta was arrested for not having a license at all. It says Gupta surrendered her driver’s license and was not allowed a driver’s license after that.

Gupta refuted the charges and said that she got her driver’s license renewed the next day after her arrest.

“I wrote about what happened to me as an email to some of my friends. One of those friends put it out on WhatsApp,” said Gupta.

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Preliminary online search shows that statistically in case of first offense of expired driver’s license, only a warning and citation is issued and no arrest. The next day when Shalini went to the DMV to get the license, she was told that they had never heard anyone get arrested for expired driver’s license.

By Premji