Indian-origin CEO faces racial abuse

An Indian-Origin CEO faced a brutal racial abuse by the Trump supporters after he refused to support President Trump’s view on the Virginia violence. The CEO was also asked to “go back to India” and “take Nikki Haley” with him.

The 44-year-old CEO of GMM Nonstick Coatings, a company which globally supplies coatings for cookware and bakeware, Ravin Gandhi, had wrote an op-ed in CNBC criticizing President Donald Trump’s remarks on Charlottesville violence.

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Charlottesville violence occurred on August 12 when the groups of supremacists clashed against the demonstrators. In the violence, a 32-year-old woman was killed and 19 got injured.

After his op-ed, Gandhi received a large number of voicemails asking him to go back to India. The report also said that Gandhi had opened up on YouTube and other social networks and shared various messages, he received against him.

Gandhi has also made it clear that despite threats, he will continue to speak against the bigotry as long as he holds a platform to place his views.