women marchers

Thousands of demonstrators have filled the downtown Los Angeles streets with signs decrying President Donald Trump and chanted in English and Spanish as the city’s diverse religious, ethnic and LGBT groups marched in solidarity on Jan 21 with the women marchers on Washington.

The massive gathering took place around California, that voted against Trump’s bid for the presidency and has become a center of resistance to the new president and his policies.

Indian Americans 6 percent of Nashua’s population

The protest in Los Angeles has drawn men and women holding rainbow gay pride flags, Muslim women in headscarves and families with children, also featured Hollywood celebrities Jane Fonda to Natalie Portman. Protesters wore the bright pink knit “pussyhats” to mock Trump.

While speaking at the rally in Washington, California U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris said that women’s issues are the same as those that impact all the Americans.

“We all know the truth,” the Indian American senator said. “If you are a woman trying to raise a family, you know a good paying job is a women’s issue.”

Protesters in Los Angeles said that they felt threatened not only as a woman but also as religious and ethnic minorities.

Hindu Americans third largest religious group in congress

Harris, struck a defiant tone in her words to the sea of people in Washington.

“When I look at this incredible crowd today I know one thing … even if we are not sitting in the White House … even if you don’t run a corporate super PAC … you have the power and we the people have the power,” she said.

She said, “We are tired as women of being relegated to simply being thought of as a particular constituency or demographic.”

“It’s going to be harder before it gets easier. I know we will rise to the challenge and I know we will keep fighting no matter what,” she said. “This was a day for us all to come together in our nation’s capital … let’s buckle in because it’s going to be a bumpy ride.”

By Premji