
The Trump administration has sent a letter to the United Nations giving a one-year notice for the US to quit the World Health Organization (WHO) after over 70 years of membership

The president of United Sates of America has formally started the withdrawal process of United States from WHO by submitting a one year notice to the United Nations on Tuesday, that is the 7th of July 2020. World Health Organization which is United Nations body will get deprived of its top funding source which is the United States

President Donald trump has been accusing the World Health Organisation to be sided with China during the Covid-19 pandemic. Earlier he even cut the USA funding to the WHO and now is withdrawing from the Geneva based Health Body. All the political opponents and Public Advocates of the United States of America are not happy with Trump’s decision of departure from the World Health Organisation. World health Organisations leads and take cares of the global fight whether it was Polio, HIV, Swine flu or now even Covid-19.

The World Health Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. The WHO Constitution, which establishes the agency’s governing structure and principles, states its main objective as the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.

In the beginning of the pandemic there were many instances where President Trump was not happy and content with the way WHO was handling the pandemic, he was even heard saying and accusing the organization to be siding with China where the virus first originated. He also threatened of suspending the 400 million dollar funding which United States contributions to the World Health Organisation. Now after threatening, Trump has finally sent a notice to United nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres.

The one year notice of formal withdrawal has been sent and it will be effective on July 6, 2020. Joe Biden who is Trump’s democratic opponent is outraged by this decision and will certainly stay with WHO if he wins the November elections.

The global health body has also confirmed that United States has given a formal notice. WHO which was set up in 1948 also came along with some conditions. In the terms and conditions of the WHO’s constitution it is legally written that the United States can America can leave the global heath body by giving a one year notice and also by meeting its remaining financial obligations.

World Health Organisation is also not happy with United States decision. The Chief of World Health Organisation in a speech mentioned that during this time of defeat and having one common enemy, National unity and global solidarity is much more important than ever.

Trump’s disagreement with WHO is not recent at all. In May, Trump had accused WHO of being completely controlled by the nation from where the novel coronavirus originated in the first place. He directly mentioned the Ethiopian Doctor who leads WHO, Mr. Tedros of failing to implement reforms in the early stages. Trump has been a constant critic of the Geneva based global health body, World Health Organisation. Trump has been directly blaming China for the spread of novel coronavirus and also threatened WHO of redirecting the US fund to other worldwide and deserving, urgent global health needs.

America’s own Democratic lawmakers are not happy with the decision made by the Trump Administration to withdraw from World Health Organisation. They have mentioned that accused Trump of doing this because of the criticism he has been getting on the handling of the pandemic. President Donald trump has been laying low with the whole coronavirus situation in the country saying it is going to disappear and yet United States is still the worst affected country in the entire world.

People on social media including Democratic leaders have been calling out this move as injustice as it would leave America sick and alone. Withdrawing from WHO during a global pandemic is an unprecedented move saying many.

The Trump administration has mentioned earlier that the WHO ignored early signs of human-to-human transmission in China, including warnings from Taiwan which is not part of the UN body due to the Beijing’s pressure on it. While many public health advocates are also criticizing WHO, they also understand that WHO has no other way around the pandemic than to work with China where the whole coronavirus situation first

By Deepika Agarwal