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A group of around 130 US lawmakers, lead by Pramila Jayapal a most influential Indian Origin Congress woman, who have requested to the governance of trump, in accordance to proceed allocating of work authorization to the respective dependent spouses of non-immigrant skilled Indian professionals who hold H-1B visas, the most willing aspect among professional Indians.

The Trump governance is making necessary plans, to bring an end to the rules during Obama rule, which allows spouses of H1-B visa holders to work legally in the United States, a move that could have a devastating impact on more than 70,000 H-4 visa holders, who have work permits.

The H-4 visas are respectively issued to the spouses of H-1B visa holders, which is significantly large number of whom are high-skilled professionals from India.

The letter by US lawmakers to the Secretary of Homeland Security Kirsten Nielsen comes weeks ahead of the Trump government’s official move to overturn the rule which grants spouses, work authorization in June.

“The opportunity for H-4 visa holders to work has made our economy stronger, while providing relief and economic support to thousands of spouses, mostly women, who have resided in the United States for years,” the letter said.

“Many are on the path to permanent residency and would already be permanent residents if not for the decades-long employment backlogs. Rescinding the rule will hurt the competitiveness of US employers and the US economy, as well as H-4 accompanying spouses and their families. We strongly urge you to reconsider this action,” said the lawmakers.

Around 130 members have gestured filing a suit, representing both the political bodies of Democratic and Republican parties, the copy of letter was given to media, which was dated May 16.

According to a recent Congressional report, a astonishing 93 per cent of the total H-4 visa holders in the US having work authorization are from India.

By Lokesh