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The judicial authorities have said that more than 30,000 people have subscribed to an online petition requesting the line of work regarding the decision of the UK government to conclude “abusing” a national security section, recommending to ignore many of highly-skilled Indian professionals, who are being employed in number of hundreds as they deserve for the right to work and live in the country.

According to Sajid Javid, who is Pakistani-origin and was newly appointed as Home Secretary of Britain, reported to a parliamentary committee in recent week that they would immediately consider and look into some of the issues of extreme hardship while an ongoing UK Home Office review into the cases is completed.

The applicants of this regard includes many skilled professionals of different sectors like doctors, lawyers, engineers and entrepreneurs from countries which are out of the European Union (EU), General visa which is under category of Tire 1, who are being withhold of their residency rights over on account of minor and legally unexceptionable corrections in the returns of taxes.

In a media statement given by the Secretary “It is an important issue because if people are being turned down for their Tier 1 applications for the wrong reasons or for information not being looked at properly, it needs to be looked at properly… If it is a case of a genuine error, then it should be taken into account,”

Javid announced in the House of Commons Home Affairs Select Committee (HASC) on Tuesday that, the minister who revealed that at least 300 such cases were currently undergoing a judicial review appeals process and being looked at by a UK judge, was warned by cross-party members of HASC that the Home Office may be on the path to another wind rush scandal over this issue.

The comment involved around 63 immigrants from the Caribbean being illegally deported from the United Kingdom and that had resulted in the resigned document of Javid’s predecessor Amber Rudd in the, last month for allegedly mis directing Parliament legislature over the scale of the problem.

The Member of Parleament of Labour party, Javid who is also a member of HASC, said that “This smacks of the Windrush scandal, which was also seen as individual cases and dismissed as such. It paints a pattern of the Home Office not picking up what’s coming down the track”.

By Lokesh