
A rally has been held in Cambridge, Massachusetts by Indian-origin group as a support to the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) which has been recently enacted by the Government of India. The rally is said to be held on January 5 2020.

The rally is aiming at discarding the myths that the act is surrounded with as well as to counter the hate that is being deliberately spread by the US-based Pakistanis, supporters of Indian National Congress and other opposition parties and other Leftist Organizations.

Several rallies were made in the last few days which included several representatives of the religious sectors that are mentioned in the act, and also the educated youngsters who know in detail about the act.

According to the Citizenship Amendment Act which has been enacted by the Government of India, the non-Muslim communities i.e., Hindus, Christians, Buddists, Jains, Parsis, Sikhs who belong to the three neighbouring countries Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh and who have experienced religious persecution there will be given Indian citizenship if they have come to India on or before December 31st 2014 and will be treated as Indian citizens but not as illegal immigrants.

It is said that most secularists have mistook the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) as they have failed to differentiate between religious persecution and economic migration. The CAA is taken in a wrong way where in it is actually against religious persecution and not against any religion. It supports the religious persecution of the minorities in the Islam dominated countries. Immigration laws has to get enforced in India as several illegal immigrants have been migrated to India illegally for economic reasons.

Robert B. Lancia, the former Rhode Island Legislator came along with his wife to support the Indian Community rally and its members at Cambridge. He said that CAA provides an opportunity for the Indian diaspora who were persecuted and allows them to become citizens of India from the three countries being Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan and all the other minorities are treated bad and were forced to live in pathetic conditions.